Flickr, I found a group called
Create! A Project a Day. The premise is that you will create something everyday in February. Since I was feeling highly unmotivated in January and didn't accomplish much, I thought it would be a great idea for me to join. It's been a great push and the creative juices are definitely flowing. I will admit that I haven't made something everyday, but I think that I only missed two days so far.

I've been working on making a quilt for my nephew Paul, who was born on December 28, 2010. I found a quilt in an antique quilt book that I fell in love with and I knew that I wanted to make it. It's called Single Wedding Ring, which maybe isn't the most fitting for a baby, but it was just too sweet to not make. I really love how the blocks create secondary patterns when sewn together. It will have 3 by 4 blocks and a couple of borders. The blocks are quite tedious to put together, so I've been easily distracted by other projects...

I came up with an idea for this stack of fat quarters. I can't reveal too much info at this point in time, but I am finishing up my drawing for it. I have a lovely person in mind for the resulting quilt.

While I was reading
Cherri House's blog at the end of January, I discovered that she was going to have a
quilt along. I liked the pictures she showed and was excited to join in. She recommends making it with solids, but I wanted to try it with some fabric from my stash. I think it looks good so far. It's small, baby quilt size. The green blocks finish at 1". I'm not sure yet who the recipient will be, but I am going to try out some new quilting on it!

This project has probably distracted me the most. A while back I saw a
quilt block on flickr with this design and from the thumbnail picture I thought it was a large quilt. When I clicked on it, I saw it was just a block. Since then, I've been obsessed with making a large quilt with that design.

My blocks are 8" finished and I am nearly done sewing the top together. It actually has come together more quickly than I thought it would. It will be a present for a friend, and I should have enough time to quilt it up before her birthday. I really wanted to make something with spring colours since winter seems to be dragging on forever. I chose some green and pink fabrics with a spring feeling. I used 8 fat quarters and some solid natural yardage.

The other thing that I've made this month is a nursing cover for my sister. I am pleased with how easy it was to make. I used this
tutorial. And the best thing is that my sister loves it and uses it.
The more I take time to create things, the more ideas I get. I'm finding it rather hard to focus on one thing at a time. I do feel like I've accomplished a lot so far this month and I am thankful for the time that I spend using my God-given gifts. I am also thankful for my own sewing space that I can leave and just pick up where I left off.
I hope that you are inspired to create something yourself!
xo Nicole