I promised, quite some time ago, that I would post pictures of the quilt that I made for Nader. I made it in secret in November/December 2008 while he was away for three weeks in Egypt.

I had promised to make him "the next quilt" last March, but somehow I made one or two before his. He even picked out the pattern he wanted and some of the fabrics he liked.

As it turned out, it was a huge surprise at Christmas when he opened his present from me! I had just opened a gift from him, quilting books, and we were making jokes that he gave them to me as a hint. He had thought I made another quilt for someone else (Eric) before I made his. HA! It was a fantastic moment.

It is the largest quilt I've made to date, approximately 60"x75". And it took many, many hours to complete. There were a lot of little piece to sew together!! I love the free motion quilting that I did on it too. I think I will do the same on the quilt I make for myself, which I am currently working on.
Oh, I have so many ideas for quilts and things to make. I don't have nearly enough time or energy! And then I keep getting more inspiration from photos and things that other people have made. Unfortunately, this weekend, my house still looks like a disaster area and I haven't done anything to clean up. I was too busy sewing.
Hope you have something that you are passionate about too!
xo Nicole